Enhanced Recovery: making it all easier and quicker
Partial and Duo (2/3rds) resurfacing procedues are carried out as day surgery, on a walk-in walk-out basis.
Award winning Enhanced recovery program : key features
Before Surgery
Positive patient preparation - the more relaxed, the easier the recoevry.
Education, explanation and understanding. The more informed, the more relaxed and positive one is pre-surgery, the more the comfort one has and the greater the ease of recovery afterwards.
Patients enter surgery hydrated and fed with an anaesthetic safe liquid meal so that the body is not starved and stressed, but well hydratated and nourished.
An empty bladder just before surgery.
Music of your choice via headphones, a relaxing choice can be provided as wished.
Surgery and Anaesthesia
The surgery is done with a fully trained team, minimising tourniquet time, handling the soft tissues and bone carefully. Lots of local anesthetic is injected around the surgical site. Tightness or tension in the soft tiisues are avoided.
An award winning framework involving a combination of pain relieving and anti-inflammatory medicines are used. A spinal anaesthetic using only 1.25 mls of local anaesthetic. This is similar to an epidural that are used commonly in labour. There are some key differences though, an information leaflet can befound here. Controlled sedation to allow "a snooze" though the operation. At the end absolutely no pain because the spinal aneathetic is still working.
The target controlled sedation wears off very rapidly at the end of surgery.
Recovery and Home
Immediately after the operation, sitting up to 45 degrees, reading, talking, or listening to music.
A drink of water
Routine quality control xray
No drip, no drains, no pain pump, no CPM machine, and no transfusion. How things have changed.
On the ward; tea and biscuits- even if you havent given blood.
Cold compress
3 hours afterwards up and walking with the trained physiotherapist, a meal and preparation for going home
Day following
A phone call from the hospital
Dressing change.
Shower with the waterproof dressing.
Gentle exercises.
Cold compress
6 sessions of post discharge physiotherapy with a selected physiotherapist.
Rehabilitaion protocol
Wound check day 12.
Outpatient consultation day 12 and week 6.